Tuesday, January 22, 2013

{Style} Floral Fest...

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Want to know the best part of my weekend? I'll give you a hint: It rhymes with coral tint beans... You guessed it my friends, it was finding these amazing floral print jeans at Joe Fresh! Man, you guys are too smart for me.

They certainly weren't what I was looking for (my Superstore jaunt was supposed to be all business), but when I saw them hanging there with only one last pair in my size, I knew it was meant to be. And just in time for another generous helping of snow... Well I guess you can't win them all, now can you? xx

Outfit details: striped blazer (similar here)- H&M; blouse- Forever 21; floral print jeans- Joe Fresh; spiked pumps (similar style here and here)- Shoe Mint; necklace- Forever 21 Follow my blog with Bloglovin
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