Friday, January 25, 2013

{Style} Casual Friday...

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The weekend is here, and I for one am mega excited (yes, I said mega) to kick back, relax and maybe even do a little shopping while Mr. AiF's out of town. Hey, when the cat's away, am I right? Nothing crazy, just a thing or two to spice things up a bit... You know what else I'm particularly looking forward to this weekend? Uninterrupted, quality time with my old pal Netfix without so much as a peep about my (totally awesome) movie selections... Looks like it's just going to be me and Teen Wolf this Friday night � hubba hubba.

Outfit details: camo jacket- Zara; denim shirt- Topshop; cross dress c/o; leather clutch- American Apparel; beanie- Zara; bracelet- Forever 21; gold watch- Michael Kors
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