Tuesday, June 11, 2013

{DIY} Printed Pumps...

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I've had the idea to Modpodge my pumps into something new and slightly more interesting for weeks now (since I fell in love with these badboys) but I just couldn't get it together until now... Well I'm going to go ahead and say that it was worth the wait, because not only am I in love with the patterned paper I scored after weeks of searching, but both the shoes AND the paper ended up going on sale by the time I came around to buying them! Cha-ching! So for a modest $22, I have a pair of shoes that I'm actually excited to wear... I believe that's what they call a win-win, no?

Here's what you'll need for this DIY:

 photo IMG_3422_zps963284be.jpg
  • Shoes 
  • Modpodge 
  • Patterned paper
  • Paint brush
  • Scissors
  • Time, patience + fresh air
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This one is suuuuper easy, it's just a little tedious and time consuming.  As you know from previous Modpodge DIYs, simply cut strips of paper to have on hand (by the end I was just tearing pieces at random) and apply a layer of Modpodge onto the surface of the shoe. Once that's done, press the paper firmly over the glue and hold to adhere to the shoe. Seal the paper in place with another coat of glue, covering the entire shoe in this way. Let dry overnight to set everything in place, and you're done! Headrush and all.

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Thanks for reading, and if you end up trying this or any other DIY you've seen on the blog, I'd love to hear how it goes... Happy crafting, friends! xx
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