Wednesday, February 6, 2013

{DIY} Kate Spade-Inspired Bib Necklace...

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When I first saw the Cameo Jewels Bib Necklace from Kate Spade a few weeks ago, my jaw literally dropped at the realization that � joy of joys � I could actually make a DIY version of this gorgeous (and slightly overpriced) necklace... Huzzah! And with a childhood worth of experience working with Shrinky Dinks, I was rearing to go. Now my version might not be as chic as Miss Spade's, but since I already had chain, glue and jump rings to start with, this bad boy cost less than $2 to make... Did your jaw just drop too?

Want to make a clear statement necklace of your own? Here's what you've got to do:

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1. Use a pencil to draw the shape of your necklace. You want it to be about 3x bigger than your desired end result (it shrinks � a lot).
2. Carefully cut out your shape, taking care to make the edges as smooth as possible.
3. Use a hole punch to make two openings to later attach your jump rings from.
4. Follow the instructions on your Shrinky Dinks package to bake your necklace, and watch as it shrivels and shrinks before your eyes!
5. After cooling for a few minutes, arrange your craft jewels as you would like them to appear.
6. Using jewelry glue, secure the jewels to your plastic base. Let dry for a few minutes.
7. Attach the jump rings and your desired chain, before leaning back to admire your handiwork... You're a rockstar.

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