Tuesday, January 8, 2013

{Style} For the Love of Shoes... and Mint.

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As temperatures drop, I figure why not brighten things up with some good old fashioned pastels? They're cheerful, bright and super feminine to boot... Seriously now, just try and feel low when you're wearing pastels � I dare you!

Want in on a secret? I think I'm well on my way to shoe fetish-ville here, guys... Now I know you must be thinking So what, Vickie? but I'm telling you, it's a big deal for me. I've always been a purse junkie that's given little-to-no thought to her footwear, so this newfound shoe fascination is both scary (sorry bank account) AND exhilarating... I tell ya, it's like I'm a whole new person. *shrug*

Outfit details: mint dress- H&M; leopard scarf- Wilfred; striped blazer- H&M; pumps- Shoe Mint; belt- thrifted; necklace- Zara
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