Tuesday, January 15, 2013

{DIY} Clay Geometric Necklace...

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I was recently turned on to the idea of making jewelry from clay, and now that I've tried it a couple of times, I seriously can't stop. Naturally I wanted to share this DIY with you guys, because not only is it super easy and inexpensive, but it's fun to boot. Want to give it a try? Here's what you've got to do!


1. Pick up a pack of clay at your local craft store. I chose FIMO (about $4) but any kind will do.
2. Roll out the clay and smooth the surface as much as possible.
3. Using a knife, carefully cut your desired shape from the clay.
4. Work the edges of your shape to make it as smooth and symmetrical as possible.
5. Poke a whole through the top of your shape to later attach a jump ring.
6. Bake your new pendant at 230F for about 30 minutes. If your pendant is thicker, you'll have to adjust your bake time accordingly.

After the piece cools fully, paint it any way you please. I chose to use nail polish (like here and here) because I had the colours I wanted in that form, but use whatever medium you prefer. When you're done, simply add a jump ring and some chain, and you've got yourself a brand new necklace... Easy peasy.


Hope you guys like this DIY... If you decide to give it a try, let me know how it goes! xx
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