Friday, December 28, 2012

{Style} Big News!!!

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For the past four days I've been keeping a pretty major secret from you guys, and it's been killing me not to share my happy news with my closest online friends (you know, I had to get all those pesky real life people out of the way first!). Drumroll please... On Christmas Eve, Mr. AiF and I got engaged!!!! *Cue the fist pumping, jumping up and down and uncontrollable giggling*

I'll spill the details in a later post (one that's not just an outfit post featuring my new bling!), but because the past few days have been some of the happiest of my life, I just HAD to share the news with you guys! Yay!!!!

Love you all! xx

Outfit details: houndstooth jacket- Winners (super old & rediscovered in my old closet at my parents'); sweater- H&M; pleated skirt- Club Monaco; polka dot tights- Joe Fresh; booties & necklace- Forever 21
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