Monday, December 17, 2012

{Christmas Week} Merry Making...

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Ho-ho-how excited are you guys for another theme week?! Can you guess what it is? Well if the presents, baubles and gigantic bows didn't give it away (or, let's face it, the title of this post), let me help you out� it's Christmas week, y'all!

To kick things off, my homegirl Kastles and I wanted to spread some yuletide cheer with a festive little shoot... And although we froze our buns off and dealt with many a strange look along the way (two dudes actually stopped to laugh and take pics of us), it was totally worth it. Hey, they don't call it the most wonderful time of the year for nothing! xx

On Kastles: plaid shirt- Joe Fresh; dress- Jason Wu for Target; necklace- Anthropologie; polka dot tights- J.Crew; pumps- H&M; bow- made by Kassie // On me: plaid dress- The Pretty Secrets; polka dot tights- Forever 21; booties- Aldo; bow- made by Kassie

Photos by Brittney Le Blanc
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