A couple weeks ago I saw a pic of a heart sweater on my friend Kassie's blog and thought to myself, "Man, that's one cute sweater; I wish I had something like that to wear." About 30 seconds later I realized that I had a nearly identical sweater already in my wardrobe (last seen here) and that the only reasonable explanation for my memory lapse is that I hoard clothes like a mo-fo. Hey, what do ya do.
In other news, I'd like to draw your attention to my lips in this post... Notice anything different? You guessed it friends, I am sans red lipstick here. Not something I plan on making a habit of, but a fun little change nonetheless.
Happy Monday, lovelies! xx
Outfit details: heart sweater c/o West 49; blouse- Topshop; pants- H&M; pumps- Joe Fresh; clutch- American Apparel; ring- YSL
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