Monday, July 30, 2012

{Travel Diary} Green & Blue

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Hello lovelies! I'm back from my travels, and although I wish I could have stayed in Greece with my family forever, it sure does feel good to be home... I missed you guys! Now we get to play catch up � me with what went down during my trip and you guys with whatever you've been up to for the last two weeks... I'll go first.

My trip was amazing; I got to see family that I hadn't seen in (gasp!) seven years, eat all the delicious foods that I had missed oh-so much (including calamari, saganaki, real greek salad, fresh bread from the bakery and oh my God, the cheeses!), beach it up hard, revisit all my favourite spots in our hometown of Messolonghi (I was a bit of a party girl back in the day), and of course, spend time with my sweet grandma (yiayia!). She had good days and bad ones, but all in all, she seemed to be doing quite well � thanks to everyone who sent well wishes her way, I really appreciate your guys' support!

The only negative, aside from having to leave? The heat. It was stinking hot everyday single day, and as someone more accustomed to cooler temperatures, I was miserable. My hair always looked poopy, my makeup constantly sweated off (gross) and I was forced to take up permanent residence in front of a fan between the hours of 12 and 4. Not pretty. That's why it's a miracle I was able to take outfit photos at all, and I'd like to send a special thank you to my beautiful cousins Vasianna and Marilia for patiently taking my photos... You guys deserve a medal or something for putting up with me.

OK, that's enough about me, what did you guys get up to? I want to hear everything... Spill!

Thanks for reading, and stayed tuned for more Greece-themed posts this week. xx

Outfit details: dress- H&M; necklace- Forever 21; tote- Michael Kors; gladiators- Sam Edelman
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