Monday, July 16, 2012

Go Time...

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As you read this, I'm ransacking my closet, frantically packing for my trip to Greece. I'll be leaving later tonight, and couldn't be more excited... But that doesn't change my intense packing-related anxiety. I'm one of those people who likes to be prepared for anything; stinking-hot weather, a night on the town, Armageddon � hey, you never know. Another equally shallow thing giving me anxiety today? What colour to paint my nails for this trip. I've had my nails bare for the last week � which is normally unheard of � in anticipation of, oh let's just go ahead and call it 'nail day.'  Do I want classic red? Mint? A snazzy neon? I can't make up my mind and the stress is getting to me... Help!

If you want to keep up with my trip over the next two weeks, be sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram! But if you would prefer the official recap when I return, that's cool too... Just enjoy the scheduled content I've prepared for you in the meantime. xx

Outfit details: neon pink blouse- H&M (borrowed from Kastles); white shorts- Joe Fresh; neon green bag- Cambridge Satchel Co; sandals- Michael Kors; necklace- Forever 21
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